Mackey Marketing Group Weblog

July 26, 2008

State of the Industry

by Brian Mackey

I think we are in for a bit of a sea change.  And for my agency, I think we are ideally positioned to take advantage.  In these economicly challenging days, bigger may not always be better any more.  The days of more than $15M per race car promotional budgets may be shrinking.  Not only the size of the budgets but in the number of race teams that can command these kinds of huge promotional commitments from sponsors.  There will always be some major commercial players, but more and more race cars in premier series will be sidelined with sponsor troubles.  You are already beginning to see this happen.  You will see more.

MMG has long been an agency where different is better, not bigger is better.  We specialize in motorsport racing properties that represent alternatives to the standard fare.  We’re not overloaded with NASCAR themes.  We don’t just focus on one “most popular” form of racing.  I like to think that we are first and foremost marketers.  We represent a variety of motorsport themes.  We have grass-roots campaigns as well as high profile ones — series, drivers, teams, cars, boats or aiplanes, you’ll find MMG promotions across the country, across the ocean and across the board.  But what you won’t find are campaigns that are heavy on cost and congruently light on content.   We try to develop campaigns where marketing budgets match the property, provide realistic results and give every sponsor participant a chance to gain results from an investment in motorsport marketing.  It’s not just for the big guys anymore.  More and more companies will be seeking the kind of racing properties that we represent here. 

We have exciting news in store.  New and old clients are lining up that will provide MMG the most exciting opportunties in our history.  And all of them are the kind of racing campaigns that will meet the demands of future priorities.  

See you at the races.

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